by ART GUITAR SCHOOL | Mar 24, 2023 | Fingerstyle
One of the most common questions that arise when discussing fingerstyle is if you should use nails or flesh when playing. Nails require you to either grow out your fingernail or apply acrylics whereas flesh doesn’t require any additional maintenance except for...
by ART GUITAR SCHOOL | Mar 14, 2023 | Fingerstyle
One of the most common questions in regards to rhythm is how to play a triplet picking pattern. In order to do so you must first understand how a triplet works. A triplet is split evenly into three parts within a quarter note. It’s like squeezing 3 eighth notes into...
by ART GUITAR SCHOOL | Mar 9, 2023 | Fingerstyle
Learning patterns that are common will allow you to pick up songs quicker as you had developed them before starting learning the song independently without the chord transitions. There are several patterns that come up very often in fingerstyle songs. Here a few to...
by ART GUITAR SCHOOL | Mar 7, 2023 | Fingerstyle
It’s essential to have the correct RH technique in order to improve in your playing. First we must focus on the right hand and the proper technique associated with it. Having proper technique will make playing much easier and allow you to play more challenging...
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