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Guitar Hybrid Picking

Guitar Hybrid Picking

by | Jul 20, 2024 | Fingerstyle | 0 comments

What is Guitar Hybrid Picking?

Guitar hybrid picking is a technique that combines the use of both the pick and fingers to pluck the strings. This allows for greater speed and versatility in playing, as it enables the guitarist to play multiple notes in quick succession while maintaining a consistent picking pattern.

How to Use Hybrid Picking

To use hybrid picking, hold the pick between your thumb and index finger as usual, and use your middle and ring fingers to pluck the strings. This technique is commonly used in country, bluegrass, and jazz music, as it allows for complex and intricate picking patterns that would be difficult to achieve with just a pick alone.

Benefits of Hybrid Picking

One of the main benefits of hybrid picking is the ability to play arpeggios and intricate melodies with ease. By using both the pick and fingers, guitarists can achieve a more dynamic and expressive sound, as well as increased speed and accuracy in their playing.

Exercises to Improve Hybrid Picking

One way to improve your hybrid picking skills is to practice scales and arpeggios using this technique. Start off slowly and gradually increase your speed as you become more comfortable with the technique. You can also try incorporating hybrid picking into your favorite songs to further develop your skills.


Guitar hybrid picking is a versatile and powerful technique that can greatly enhance your playing. By combining the use of the pick and fingers, you can achieve a wide range of tones and textures that would be difficult to achieve with just one picking method. So, take some time to practice and incorporate hybrid picking into your playing – you won’t be disappointed with the results!

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