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Guitar Tapping Techniques

Guitar Tapping Techniques

by | Jul 6, 2024 | Fingerstyle | 0 comments


Guitar tapping is a technique where a guitarist uses their picking hand to tap the strings on the fretboard, creating fast and intricate patterns of notes. This technique is commonly associated with rock and metal guitarists, but can be used in a variety of musical styles to add flair and complexity to a guitarist’s playing.

Basic Tapping Technique:

To perform a basic tapping technique, start by fretting a note with your left hand on the fretboard. Then, use your right hand to tap a higher note on the same string, usually with your index or middle finger. The key to successful tapping is to strike the string firmly and cleanly, producing a clear and defined note. Practice slowly at first, gradually increasing speed as you become more comfortable with the technique.

Two-Handed Tapping:

Two-handed tapping involves using both hands to tap out notes on the fretboard. This technique allows for more complex and speedy patterns of notes, as both hands can work together to create intricate melodies and solos. Experiment with tapping patterns that involve both hands working in sync or in alternation to create unique sounds and textures.

Harmonic Tapping:

Harmonic tapping is a technique where a guitarist taps out harmonics on the fretboard, creating a shimmering and ethereal sound. To perform harmonic tapping, lightly touch the string with your tapping finger at specific points along the string to produce harmonics. Experiment with different fretboard positions and touch pressure to find the harmonic tones that resonate most effectively.

Tapping Licks and Solos:

Many guitarists incorporate tapping into their licks and solos to add excitement and flair to their playing. Practice incorporating tapping into your own solos by experimenting with different tapping patterns, scales, and techniques. Combine tapping with other techniques such as bending, sliding, and hammer-ons/pull-offs to create dynamic and engaging solos that showcase your skills as a guitarist.


Guitar tapping is a versatile technique that can add a new dimension to your playing. Experiment with different tapping techniques, patterns, and styles to find what works best for you and incorporate tapping into your own playing to create unique and expressive solos and melodies.

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