Fundamentals of Right Hand Technique

Fundamentals of Right Hand Technique

by | Mar 7, 2023 | Fingerstyle | 0 comments

It’s essential to have the correct RH technique in order to improve in your playing. First we must focus on the right hand and the proper technique associated with it.

Having proper technique will make playing much easier and allow you to play more challenging repertoire and exercises.

Fingers and Strings

Thumb should be on the sixth, fifth, and fourth strings while the index middle ring will be on the third, second and first strings.

P = 6, 5, 4

I = 3

M = 2

A = 1


Right hand positioning

The right hand should be hovering over the sound hole in the middle. You can also place it back slightly as well for a different timbre. Make sure the right hand is relaxed while hanging over the strings.


Attack motion

The attack should be a motion of the fingers coming in towards the palm. Prevent yourself from plucking up, or a clawing attack, which will cause the strings to be bright and thin. 

Here is a video on beginner finger picking patterns I recommend:

Practice this with your own songs, or solely to work on your technique in order to improve your playing.

Learn more about technique through our FREE Fingerstyle Workbook!


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Guitar Fingerpicking Patterns

Guitar Fingerpicking Patterns

Greetings, fellow guitar enthusiasts! Today, let’s delve into the enchanting world of fingerpicking patterns. Whether you’re strumming along to folk tunes or adding depth to your acoustic ballads, mastering these intricate patterns can elevate your playing to new heights, weaving a rich tapestry of melody and rhythm.

Fingerpicking, also known as fingerstyle, is a technique that involves plucking the strings with your fingertips or fingernails instead of using a pick. It allows for greater control and expression, enabling you to create intricate patterns and textures on the guitar.

To master fingerpicking patterns, start by practicing simple exercises that focus on individual finger movements. Work on developing strength and coordination in each finger, paying attention to your hand position and posture. As you become more comfortable, begin experimenting with different patterns and rhythms, incorporating them into your playing.

One of the key aspects of fingerpicking is alternating bass notes, which provide a solid foundation for the melody to soar above. Practice keeping a steady bass rhythm while simultaneously picking out the melody on the higher strings. This will help you develop a sense of groove and flow in your playing.

In addition to alternating bass notes, experiment with different picking patterns and techniques, such as arpeggios, travis picking, and percussive slaps. Don’t be afraid to get creative and explore new sounds and textures on the guitar.

In conclusion, mastering fingerpicking patterns is a journey of exploration and discovery. By honing your technique and experimenting with different styles and techniques, you can unlock a world of musical possibilities on the guitar. So, grab your guitar and start weaving your own musical tapestry with fingerpicking today!

Guitar Hybrid Picking

Guitar Hybrid Picking

Blending the best of both worlds – the precision of fingerstyle and the power of the pick – hybrid picking offers a versatile approach that unlocks a myriad of creative possibilities on the fretboard.

Hybrid picking involves using a pick in conjunction with your fingers to pluck the strings, allowing for greater speed, dexterity, and control. By incorporating both picking and fingerstyle techniques, hybrid picking enables you to play complex melodies, arpeggios, and chord voicings with ease.

To master hybrid picking, start by practicing basic exercises that combine picking and fingerstyle techniques. Focus on maintaining a relaxed and fluid motion, and pay attention to the coordination between your pick and fingers. As you become more comfortable, experiment with different picking patterns and incorporate them into your playing.

One of the great advantages of hybrid picking is its versatility. Whether you’re playing rock, blues, country, or jazz, hybrid picking can add depth and texture to your sound. Experiment with different styles and genres, and don’t be afraid to push the boundaries of your creativity.

In conclusion, hybrid picking is a powerful technique that can enhance your playing in countless ways. By blending the best of both worlds – picking and fingerstyle – you can unlock a world of sonic possibilities on the guitar. So, grab your pick and start exploring the fusion revolution of hybrid picking today!

Guitar Slap and Pop Techniques

Guitar Slap and Pop Techniques

Hey there fellow guitar enthusiasts! Today, let’s dive deep into the electrifying world of slap and pop techniques for guitar. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to expand your repertoire or a beginner eager to spice up your sound, mastering these techniques can take your playing to the next level.

Slap and pop techniques originated in funk music but have since been adopted across various genres, from rock to jazz to pop. Slapping involves striking the strings with the thumb in a percussive manner, while popping entails pulling the strings away from the fretboard to create a sharp, popping sound. Together, these techniques can add a dynamic rhythmic flair to your playing.

To master slap and pop, start by focusing on your thumb technique. Practice striking the strings with precision and control, experimenting with different rhythms and accents. Next, work on your popping technique, making sure to pull the strings away from the fretboard with enough force to produce a clear, percussive sound.

As you become more comfortable with slap and pop, try incorporating them into your favorite songs and improvisations. Experiment with different techniques and rhythms, and don’t be afraid to push the boundaries of your creativity. With time and dedication, you’ll be slapping and popping like a pro in no time!

So, grab your guitar and get ready to unleash the groove with slap and pop techniques. Whether you’re jamming with friends or performing on stage, these techniques are sure to take your playing to new heights of musical expression. Happy slapping!

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